Drive by Bastinadoing 2

Drive by Bastinadoing and Blowjobbing This video by slave Elif is the second in the “Drive by Bastinadoing” series. In this part with the addition “Bastinado & Blowjob in Istanbul” she is punished by him for the pleasure of her Master. MasterDaPain enjoys both the ride and the fun of sadism as he whips Elif’s feet with his belt. People notice moments of what is happening from outside, but they cannot classify it. MasterDaPain and slave Elif enjoy the adrenaline, the excitement and have fun with their BDSM passion. After the bastinado, slave Elif thanks her Master with an extensive blowjob during the journey until he cums with pleasure in her mouth and she swallows his sperm for breakfast.
(This is not a harcore porn video so we we don’t show the blowjob explicitly.) 

The video was exclusevily produced for slave Elif’s fansite. The video can be only watched on her fansite.

Drive by Bastinadoing 2

– Bastinado & Blowjob in Istanbul –

Video Format: MP4 – Length: 18 MIN – Size: 1920×1080 Full HD

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