Sexual Education By Falaka

Sexual Education by Falaka Pleasure Opposites can form perfection in unison. However, it is very difficult to create this harmony. The training of the slave Elif follows a path of opposites of pleasure and pain. She must be able to endure the pain of the falaka during sexual pleasure stimulation. Ideally, these opposites lead to absolute pleasure-pain harmony. However, slave Elif has great difficulties. As her Master’s whore, she lets herself be fucked in all imaginable positions, situations and intensity. However, every new sexual experience is linked to fears from the past. She had vajinism, was able to defeat it, but she’s still afraid it could happen again.

This time she has to satisfy herself sexually with a vibrator with an anal plug in her ass while enduring the pain of the falaka. This challenge pushes her to the limit and she fails on the first try. The second attempt is associated with greater pain because she is additionally punished for her failure. Enjoy the sight of pain and pleasure as Elif’s soles get redder and redder from the cane and riding crop.

Video Format: MP4 – Length: 43 MIN – Size: 1920×1080 Full HD

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1 year ago

Slave Elif you are beautiful, Masterdapain I think this is the greatest falaka video you have ever recorded, Masterpiece! Thank you! You said you would do back to back uploads as there has been alot to tell, I hope there is more videos of elif soon!

1 year ago

It’s been a long time. elif’s feet never disappoint. They are still so beautiful and attractive.

1 year ago

I envy Elif so much, her feet are so beautiful, can show us in such perfect shape, I want to be like her ah, bare feet is really amazing!

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